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Frequently Asked Questions
First-time client? Seasoned regular? Everyone has questions from time to time and we have the answers! Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not addressed here, please contact us!
A neuromodulator is a formulated compound that interferes with with the strength/ability of our muscles to function normally which can help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
1) OnobotulinumtoxinA (Botox)
2) AbobotulinumtoxinA (Dysport)
3) IncobotuinumtoxinA (Xeomin)
It takes up to 2 weeks/14 days for your injections to “kick in”. If an injector would add more too early, you are at risk for over injection which can result in asymmetry and heaviness. Wait to make a follow up appointment until after 2 weeks to “touch up” or add more
1) Shave the treatment area the night before or morning of your appointment.
2) DO NOT wax or pluck the area 2 weeks prior to your appointment. If you do, there will not be a hair follicle for the laser to target.
3) If you are on an antibiotic, call the office to make sure that it is not photosensitive. Some medications are, and make you at risk or a burn if you are taking the medication while getting laser hair removal.
4) Research shows that pain tolerance is lower the week before and during menses. So, if you know when your period/cycle begins, try to schedule your appointment avoiding that time.
5) No tanning two weeks before or 2 weeks after laser session.
6) No spray tan or self tanner 2 weeks before treatment.
There is little to no down time. The treatment is tailored to your skin type. You may be slightly “pink” immediately after the treatment, which is usually due to the “vortex” fusion (the technology) that allows for medical grade exfoliation, extractions, and infusion of hydrating serum into the skin.